Premium Essential Oil Blends

Enhance your wellbeing with Ancient Wisdom Premium Essential Oil Blends.

Premium Essential Oil Blends are combinations of pure oils that all work well together to stimulate relaxation, energy, happiness and much more. 

Essential Warnings before using Essential Oils :
- Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before using essential oils, especially during pregnancy, for children, or if of you do have pre-existing medical conditions.
- Always dilute essential oils with water before any use in our diffusers : 3/4 drops are enough.
- Always perform a patch test before applying essential oils to a larger area of skin to check for allergic reactions or sensitivities. When applied to the skin, we strongly recommend to dilute essential oils with organic bodycare oils (Jojoba, Sweet Almond..).
- Avoid Ingestion: We strongly recommend to never ingest essential oils without proper guidance from a certified aromatherapist or healthcare professional.
- Keep Away from Eyes and Children. Supervise children and pets around the diffuser to prevent accidental contact. Make sure your pet can escape the smell and retreat to an area with fresh air if needed.